Tuesday 6 August 2013

Its been a while

Hey, Its been a while, Been busy doing other things, My daily blog is ending. But i will be blogging. Will be starting a new blog soon, so this will be gone..

New blog will be me blogging. not a daily one

Sunday 14 April 2013

27 page views today..

Well I didn't do a single blog at all this week, Just to see if anyone is actually reading these, Plus Ive been busy.

I am back with a new Blog today. Sunday April 14 2013.

  • I have some new news for you guys. A new owner owns my building. So he asked if I would be OK with moving. Just downstairs to another unit that is available. That works for me, cause I don't like these stairs that much. And now the steps are less and more people can come over. who don't like to climb the stairs. 
This will give me time to think, and to rearrange some things as the layout is slightly different. Might change some things where things are. The layout is the same, but some things are slightly smaller. I know the kitchen is...

But this will be a quick move but slow set up as work will be very busy soon as MTG is upon us..

Monday I have a Pokemon tournament and I think I Have a good deck. I will let you know how I do.
That's all I am saying today.

Monday 8 April 2013

Monday is here,

Well its Monday, which means that the weekend is over. I said Friday that I wasn't going to blog on the weekend, which worked out good, because I was more busier then I though.

Saturday I decided to clean up and do some Organisation to my place. Haven't really done that since I moved in here. Like spend the day doing it..

So my place was a mess when I received a phone call. "Hey if you could, would you go to Monster Jam??"
The person on the phone knew I was cleaning because Ive posted it on my facebook. I was like yeah, sure. Thinking to myself. 2pm the show starts. It was 10am now.. 3 more hours then meet my Friend downtown..

Then I received the call from the friend that actually had the tickets. So meet me downtown for 11. I have pit passes as well.. "Oh, I didn't know that.. um alright" was basically my response.

so I left my place in a Holt and made my way downtown.
Never been to Monster Jam before.

I ended up finishing my cleaning Sunday morning.

Here are the pictures I have.

Wrestle Mania was Sunday. What a show that was. I will say, I think that was takers worst WM match.
Rock and Cena had a good bout, and some other matches were meh, HHH, Lesnar had the best match of the night I would say..

Friday 5 April 2013

Its Friday, and the weekend is here.

Gonna start with I'm not sure how much I am going to blog this weekend.

Its the weekend and I might take this weekend to myself, get some things done.. I know I want to clean up my place. Going to do some dishes as soon as I finish this blog today. But don't worry, not many people read this. No one even comments, so you are not holding me up..

I was going to see JP tonight in 3D tonight. But I am not now. I think I might play some xbox. haven't played in about a month. Maybe Farcry 3.

This weekend is WM weekend. WM stands for Wrestle Mania.

Sunday Me and some of my Friends are going to get together for dinner. This is year number # for that. Not sure where I wanna go. Will figure it out before I do dishes...

If I blog this weekend, it wont be much,
Have a good weekend.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Thursday - Killer Bunnies

Well its Thursday eve. Just returned from Target. I went to Walmart to return a pair of jeans.

In case you don't know. I like Starbucks, I am not a coffee drinker, do I like to drink Hot Chocolate. but Starbucks also makes iced drinks which Tim Horton doesn't. (Ice Hot Chocolate) Around me their has never been a close Starbucks, just at the Movie theaters  But thanks to Target, their is now one in each store. And the one at the Center Mall is the closest for me. They also do cash back if you do debit.

I went to Target to look for some pillow cases that matched the sheet set I picked up Monday. But they didn't have any in stock. But picked up a few things while I was their.
- A bath Matt for the tub, I haven't bought one yet, but saw one I liked.
- A pair of boxers. Animal
- And 2 packs of WWE Heritage wrestling cards. - I now own an official WWE T-shirt Relic ha ha
- I try to grab a pack each time I go.

I Unboxed my New Killer Bunnies set. I'm happy with whats in it. its the 10th anniversary of the Quest set. Lots of cool stuff. Even a 3d red ball.

I made a video but its not letting me load it from my phone. I will deal with it later.

Tomorrow JP3D comes out. I want to see it,

Have a good nigiht.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Wednesday eve

Well its Wednesday eve. today was a busy day at work. but got the day done. Tomorrow looks to be a better day but will be as busy as the day before.

I ate 5 sausages and a potato for dinner tonight, And washing the dishes tomorrow.

Thinking about my place today, for how I want to decor my place. I posted in my blog before that I am going to use Target for my Decor, instead of IKEA.

I've bought a sheet set, next is a comforter that matches, and a curtain that goes with the wall. But I am going to organise my room and see how I want to do my storage. I have a shelf in my bedroom that I might bring back to my living room or even the hallway if I can find a good place.

I want another couch or a chair for my living room so that makes that up. Might even use it as a room divider.

Movies are popping up. JP IN 3D starts this Friday  Iron man 3 is next month I think. Star Trek, TMNT is in casting, same with new STAR WARS. Lots to see, and lots look good.

Watching Talking Dead and a few other TV shows tonight. Its a good season finally of it.

That's all for tonight. have a good night.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tuesday, Did you have you KFC today?

Well its Tuesday. Which means that its KFC Tuesday. I don't have it every week. about every 2 or 3 weeks I do.

Today was one of those days. I even ate in so that I wouldn't need to do any dishes or any trash since I already took it out. (Tomorrow is Garbage day)

I had an extra piece and a drink. cost just under 6 bucks with taxes. If i went home I would of skipped the drink.

After that I went to Shoppers Drugmart and picked up some post Easter stuff. Each item was 3.00 or less.

Now I am just about to Watch \bond on Blu Ray. have a good night.

Monday 1 April 2013


Well its Monday, Which means my Long Weekend is over. :(

I was at work for 8am today. and left at 6pm. Long day, Same tomorrow and most of the week.

After work, I went down to Target to look for some Steal Toed Shoes. But they didn't have any. Read my Target Canada blog. for more.

Tonight I am watching WWE Raw right now. Already ate my dinner. Leftovers from yesterday.

Have a good eve.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Sunday - Easter and TV

Well What a day today is. Easter and A big night of TV.

I had Dinner with my rents, +Jennifer Fair and my Aunt. I was full. 

Arrived around 4 and left around 8. Since I left its boring their. Meaning since I moved out. Before I moved out I had what I want. A bed to rest, TV to watch, etc. But now when I go, I can only sit. At least I have my phone.

As soon as I got their, Me and my sister took out the AC me and my friend Nathan put in their recently. It didn't work, but you would think they would test it before they bought it.. Meh

I've been home for a little now. Just finished watching Season 7 opener of Doctor Who. I thought It was good, His Companion looks good as well.  I have walking dead and games of thrones to watch tonight still, then up early tomorrow. Working at 8 this week.

Have a good night.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Saturday was International Table Top Day!

Well today was table top day. One year ago +Wil Wheaton created a new YouTube channel and started a phenomenon.  

Now it has been 1 full year any many games were played over the day #tabletopday was today's hash tag. I was down at Chesters Beer of the World with +Bayshore Hobbies playing some games. I had a great time. 

Looks like Black Knight Games had a busy day as well from reading their Twitter page.

It was a nice day outside today. I walked downtown to play the games. Its mad hot in my place right now. Windows are open, and I'm watching TV, American Restoration Marathon!

Gonna see whats on my PVR soon.

Done for today's blog. Going to make a new post in my board game group thing.
Message me on twitter @ldtails for info on it or send me an email or text if you would like info on it.

Friday 29 March 2013

Friday, What a day,

Well Good Friday is almost at an end. I had a busy day off work today. But the best thing is that I had the opportunity to sleep in. But I wasn't able to.. woke up a few times during the night.

I started my day very thirsty. I had a drinking box, but was still thirsty. So i finished off the bag of milk I had. But that didn't do it.  I was going to drink another drinking box, but then I said no to my self and had a Gatorade  I was fine after that. All this consumed around 10AM.

I was meeting some friends, I walked up to the Wentworth stairs, with a bottle of Vitamin Water in my hand, because you should always have a drink when climbing stairs. I took this picture from the top. a little to the right towards Upper Gage, but just sightly off from the stairs. It was a better climb then a few weeks ago, Next weekend \i will do again.

After I met up with my friends, we went back to their place, had lunch, then walked to the park with their kids. I wasn't feeling good at that time. Had a mind grain  Which sucks for me because I cannot swallow pills. Luckily my friend being a mother of kids, I asked her if she had any liquid, or chew ables. She had chew ables. That helped for a little, but then I got sick. Which felt better, I think it might of been the heat. It was a nice day out. COLD NOW. Maybe shorts wasn't the best choice of wear. I was also very tired so i fell asleep for a little. But was fine after that. I stayed for dinner and then went to a bar with a friend for a drink. Its a cool bar, but they don't serve cider, So i grabbed a beer, But might choose something else next time. not a beer fan that much.

Which on a side note. when I went to the LCBO Thursday night, I found out the Keith Cider i buy in bottles wont be available until the summer next, So i have to stock up in a few months.

Back to my day. I spent a while waiting for a bus to get home. Prob a total of an hour and a half, maybe more. Came home around 11PM.

Saturday is International Table Top day, Go to a local game store (not video game) and play some board games.

Have a good night and hope your able to play tomorrow!

Thursday 28 March 2013

Thursday - Early blog - Wolverine

Well, its Thursday morning. I am doing my blog this morning because I may be up late playing video games. And will not blog if i forget. So i am blogging now.

My sleep wasn't the best, I woke up a few times, but from 5:30am on. Buy seen Perry sleeping on my floor stretched out, here is a pic.

Perry is getting big. I remember when he was small. Hes about 2 years old now.

Today I am going to goto Target, Walmart and EB after work, going to have to see if my sister is working today and what time she is off today.

Also might be going with a co-worker.

I have to leave for work in about a half hour. Have a good day.

The first official trailer of the Wolverine movie has been released, check it out!

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Well its Wednesday  Today was alright. Not much to say today. I went to shoppers after work to use my 10.00 shoppers card that had to be used by April 7th. my total was 11.00 but I'm OK with that for free stuff.

Bringing in some chocolate eggs for work tomorrow to share. Might use them for good jobs.

Tonight I am just catching up on TV.

have a good night.

enjoy this video

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Tuesday - KFC??

Its Tuesday, A busy day it was. I went in early to do some UPS stuff this morning. All went well. left at 6:30pm.

Tonight I wasn't sure what I wanted to have for dinner tonight. Did I have KFC? Did I order from Goodlife Deli?? Nope. In fact. I haven't eaten my dinner yet. Not sure what to make. Not really hungry. I stopped by Tim Hortons on my way home. Hot Chocolate and a coconut donut. So in a way my dinner right now is a Donut. I will prob make chef boy r d.

Tonight I am watching the rest of WWE raw from last night. I already took my Garbage and recycling out and done my dishes that needed to be done.

I am going to watch other shows on my PVR tonight as well.

Have a good night.

Monday 25 March 2013


Well, its Monday. It was  busy day at work today. didn't finish up till after 6:30pm. But I was able to make it up to Black Knight Games, to play some Pokemon. I won a game and lost 2. So it was an alright night. I just ended up grabbing two slices of pizza for dinner a few mins ago, from a little pizza shop on king east. Haven't had them before. It was alright, better then some other shops i go to.
Tonight I am watching +WWE raw. and that's about it.

Have a good night\\

Sunday 24 March 2013

Sunday The end of the weekend

Well its Sunday  which also means the end of the weekend as Walking dead. I let it record a half hour before i start it, that way i can skip the commercials. I have half a drink left and I'm going to drink it. Today I didn't do much. Watched TV for most of it. Found this show on space called Face Off. It's a competition show like the others out their but this one is cool. No crazy drama going around their. Space had a marathon on. watch it up until the Expendables came on. Right now I am watching Duck Dynasty for the very first time. Its interesting.

Over the weekend I've been to Goodlife Deli twice. Friday is in Fridays blog, Tonight i ordered the Fish N Chips. Man they were really good. Same price of the wings, I had Wednesday.

I am also going forward with my board game night.. I've sent out a few emails to some, and tweeted to others. If i didn't send you one, that's OK. Tweet me @ldtails or email me. and I will lead you to the info you need. First day will be in MAY.

Yesterday I didn't blog, I don't remember what I actually did in the eve? in the morning i went to my friends place and went on an hour walk to Big B comics. Grabbed a few from the bargain basement and a collection of the first six issues of Saga. recommend my local artist and comic reader Owen Craig. I will read it when I'm done reading some X-men comics.

Monday i will be playing pokemon after work, so late blog tomorrow unless I'm up early enough I may blog in the morning.

Time for walking dead now..

Friday 22 March 2013

Friday, Dinner was good!

Well what a day. I began this morning fine, like any other morning. Then I checked my phone after a few Min's after I woke up, checked my bank account and noticed that I didn't get my full pay I was so pose to. Went on my laptop and talked to my Co-worker to make sure It wasn't just me. And it wasn't  So I went into work and found out that it was missed. They were looking into it, and because of the weekend, Nothing can be done about it till Monday. But looking towards Wednesday to receive the rest of the pay.

I was going to use that money this weekend to buy groceries and some other stuff i needed. now I will have to wait till I receive that money before I can do anything much with it.

Work was dead today. I had two skids of product but no paperwork for them so I wasn't able to work on them. Instead I just spent most of the day downstairs cleaning up and moving things around. I cleared about 6 skids of product from the floor that I wanted off it. I am in charge of truck for the next bit.

My good friend I work with knew that we were upset and down. He was kind and ordered some Pizza for us. That was cool of him.

It wasn't a busy day, Some people left around 3, 3:30. I left after I bought our Lotto Tickets.

I walked home at 4:30pm, left with +george withers and we departed on Wilson street. The walk was good. I normally walk down Cannon but wanted to walk down Wilson today. Once I arrived home, I cleaned up a little. And then relaxed.

My sister came over around 5:45pm We were going out for dinner. I invited my friends out as well. Our original plan was to go to Goodlife Deli across the road but he suggested Chucks Burger bar. But it was packed so we ended up coming back to Goodlife Deli.

We all ended up ordering Burgers. I got the Canadian Burger with normal bacon. Man was that good. it made me full.

I'm a very picky eater and I wanted a salad. So i asked them if they could make one with Lettuce  Cucumber and Carrot. and this is what they brought out.

Man what presentation what that. It was just as good as it looked. I tweeted @goodlifedeli right as they served it.

Tonight I am just watching TV  Going to goto the comic shop on the mountain to grab some back issue comics. Just 5 i think. It depends on what is their. And I think I will be going over to my friends place after.

Have a good night!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Thursday, the weekend is soon

well its almost Friday  today at work i was finishing up some truck work that wasn't finished on Wednesday  good thing that their was no truck today. Cleaned up a little as well. But i left my Gatorade at work,, :/

Anyways tonight I made a TV dinner, and all that's left for frozen dinner meals is meatballs. so this weekend I will buy something. Oh, I do have bacon. Bacon is always good. Tonight i just watched TV. and played some Sim City. My co-worker picked up sim city and has joined my region. I am helping him with Police, Fire and Rescue.

Friday eve, I am having dinner with my sister. Going to Goodlife Deli.

Not much going on, Have a good night.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Wednesday - Dinner was Good!

Well its Wednesday eve. just finished eating my dinner. I ordered Chicken Wings from Goodlife Deli Dining Lounge. Goodlife Deli finally opened up their lounge part which also means that they now have a new Lunch and Dinner menu. I am taking my sister their for dinner Friday. We haven't done anything together for some time.

I am just watching American Restoration, I like this show. After that I am going to watch some previous recorded shows from the weekend. Then maybe play some Sim city. not sure. Thursday I am hoping to hop on my XBOX for a little bit. Its been a while since I was on last.

I want to start up a new game group. I've talked to some people and they are interested. looking some time next month. Tweet me @ldtails if you have twitter. if not email or text or comment.

That is all I have for you tonight.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Tuesday a better day!

Well feeling better today, I little but famished right now, prob because I haven't eaten yet. Cooking a TV dinner right now. Almost 9pm Tuesday night.

I didn't blog yesterday. I wasn't feeling great.
Sunday night watched Walking Dead. it was amazing.
Monday I watched wwe raw.

Tonight I am just on my laptop. going to play some Sim city, Haven't been on my XBOX in a while. Its not because I have my laptop now, its because I just don't feel like playing anything during the week and I have been busy.
Gears of war is out today. not sure when i am going to pick it up. Bioshock is also out next week. will wait on that one.

I got a free game from Orgin. thanks to Sim City Servers being crappy, I haven't had an issue because I wasn't on a whole lot. but yeah, So i picked mass effect 3, since i haven't played it yet and i don't have it for xbox as well.

not sure when I will play that.

My dinner is done. time to go and eat.
my co-worker posted this video today, I think I've seen it before. They know it all. very interesting

Monday 18 March 2013

No blog for Monday.

Their was no blog Monday as I feel like shit right now and I was on my laptop doing stuff but wasn't able to blog. Lets see how the night goes. I will blog little in the morning if I'm feeling better and if I have time.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Sunday Happy St Pats Day

Well its Sunday eve and what a day today was. I was able to sleep in till around 8:30. woke up once to use the bathroom. Which I just realised, I've been here for just over 6 months now and I haven't named it yet.

Today I ate my usual breakfast at Good life Deli. its a great place to eat and its under 7 bucks. They are also open every day until 9 pm now, which is great because they are normally closed by the time I am home from work. and also leaves an option for dinner other then Atlantic Subs. I glanced at the menu, and I approved of it as soon as i seen the chicken wings of options 1 pound or 2. not the stupid 10 or 20 wings. i think the 2 pound was like 15.00 or so. They don't have a print copy yet when they do I will post it. Seen that they also have burgers which is always good.
They were all wearing green this morning.
Breakfast was great. that's why i go their every Sunday for takeout.

After I ate, I went to two thrift shops with my sister and my rents. I was singing to my sister Thrift Shop.
I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up
This is fucking awesome
She didn't know what i was saying. until I made here look at the video and she was like. Oh this song.... :o/

Anyways went to the bulk barn after that, grabbed a few treats, gonna save them for later.
After i was home, listened to the radio for about 20 mins. Y108 had a U2 countdown on. Went to shoppers after that to do my groceries. and then went to see

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone.
That movie was awesome. Its been a while since I've watched a good comedy. Steve Carell role was similar to Anchor Man. Probably because They are making AM2. Careys roll was sweet. its been a while since we have seen a good Carey roll. Ace Ventura Style.

Tonight I am just having a drink and going to watch NEW WALKING DEAD.

Still getting use of Windows 8. I have Google chrome as my browser. Not sure if its 8 or not. but loving how I  can pull a tap from the browser when you have more then one and remove it from the original tag. making it completely new.

Have a good night. I leave you with the trailer for the movie.
I give it a 4.5 LD out of 5

Saturday 16 March 2013


Well its Saturday eve which means that the day is almost past. the future is coming upon us and Sunday is almost here.

Today i had some friends over for lunch. they were over for a couple of hours. it was good to see them. after they left I washed some dishes I had in the sink and then turned on the TV to catch part of Indiana Jones Chrystal Skull. I haven't seen it since I watched it in theatres, And Harrison Ford is getting to his prime. but he can still kick but. I wonder what roll he is going to play in Star wars Episode 7. Along with his fellow cast of Carie Fisher Mark Hamil.

Went to comic shop after that to pick up some comics I had in my box. Going to read a few tonight so I can catch up with my reading.

At work this song has been a popular one. And I'm going to go and pop some takes tomorrow. ha ha

anyways I am going to start reading some comics then watch TV.

have a good night!

Friday 15 March 2013

Friday Lets start the Weekend

Well its Friday eve. just listening to the radio. Our Lady Piece is on right now. One of my favourite bands. Y108 is the station. Just reading my twitter feed and read that Brian Singer has revealed some more cast for Xmen Days of future past. To be honest I cannot wait for this movie.

Here is an image that he posted

Great cast so far. My only downside is, is their to many stars to follow the big rolls they play. That could be an issue. But is going to be an amazing movie. Not sure when it will come out. I'm guessing winter of 2014.

Also good to hear that Goodlife Deli is adding a new Lunch/Dinner Menu. Ive had breakfast over a dozen times their and I love it. I grab takeout 90% of the time since I'm right across the road from it. I just eat at home since I'm that close. But great staff as well do don't be opposed not to dine in. Lots of seating and for big groups as well.

follow them on twitter is @goodlifedeli

Speaking of twitter i have a new twitter follower. I laughed and made me think of my friend Dave from work. but yeah my newest Twitter follower which i followed back is Body Break. @bodybreak is their twitter handle. check it out.

here is a video they just posted on their You tube. and they are still making more. I remember the commercials. its an oldie.

Next week i start truck supervisor for 4 weeks. so my 8am starts are done for now. but I stay till 6 or 6:30 depending on the day. I think i will do good and its good to have a set task for a few weeks.

Picked up the new Killer Bunnies Expansion. I like the new stuff alot better then the original  So i think I'm just going to use the new stuff but use old carrot and some few cards from original set. not sure when I will play a game but I will. Still have to play my star wars card game, that I bought last Christmas but haven't had a chance to play yet.

If you haven't played killer bunnies, you don't know what your missing. I want to start a game night with a larger group of players and not just my basic 4, I am thinking once a month and have a select few come over, but it has to be regular. and well planned. Thinking April will be the first game night. Going to grab the contacts i need and send out an email and try to play one game a week. Might set up a blog or a new Facebook group since I closed the last group I had. 

That is it for now. Going to test out my Laptop Camera and might be a new video up soon enough. Have a good weekend!

Thursday 14 March 2013


Well its Thursday. just arrived home about 10 mins ago. dinner is in the oven cooking and sink is soaking dishes. after I eat or maybe just before, I will have them done.

Today at work i came across an newspaper article from a while back. We have some for packing. I saved it and will read it soon. It was talking about the new Monopoly piece. I heard on the radio about voting for the piece  But I never bothered voting. The winning piece was a cat. I didn't mind that they were adding a piece since their are lots different versions of Monopoly. But this is the base game so I was like cool. and extra piece to choose from instead of being left with one to pick at the end. But no. i guess in order to add a new piece. They had to remove a current one. The piece removed was the Iron. To be honest I didn't like being the Iron because it doesn't really move. Including a few others as well. Meaning you can the dog which walked ran barked etc. car drives, ship sails, shoe i guess hops. It wasn't cool to me. And not being sexist about the iron. i would have removed it as well.

If you had to pick a piece which one would have you chosen??

Tonight I am just going to watch some TV, No Sim City for me tonight, Well maybe. Depends on how the night goes.

Friday I might go see a movie with my friend mark. but not sure. depends on how tired I am.

Have a good eve.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Wednesday blog

Well its 10:30 pm Wednesday eve, and what a long day it was. I start at 8am this week. So I wake up around six. Shower eat and get dressed normally withing about 30 mins.

Next week I am in charge of truck for about 4 weeks then we rotate again.

Anyways work was long. amd busy but was out by 5pm today. Which is a good thing because it was +Bayshore Hobbies board game night at Chester Beer of the world in Gore Park.

Started to play a game. But best to know the rules and have them down before you start to teach it. But none of us did.  Its a game about drinking at a pub. and the mechanics of the game was weird and confusing, which made it slow to figure out, but was kinda going OK  If i was to compare this game to another. I would have to say Chez Geek is the only thing that relates to the game. and that would be the  card aspect. But i wouldn't say its anything like Chez Geek. so...  but here is a video about the game. Once you watch it you might think different about it since we didn't know how to play.

Right now I am just watching TV before i goto sleep. Back in at 8am Thursday

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Well today is Tuesday. Going to watch Sundays walking dead after I post this. Watching Pawn Stars right now. Monday Night Raw was alright. good to see Taker back. He is facing C M Punk at WM.

I had KFC for dinner. it was good since I haven't had it for a while.

Today you have pictures. I went on my phone today and was on the Chive. So i have some picks. also some older ones.

so lets make Today Subway Tuesday. Random picks. these are ones that I haven't posted before!

Have a good eve

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday - Long enough???

Well its Monday. The day is almost over and it was a long day. This week I start at 8AM so I wake up around 6pm. We were short staffed today but was able to get everything out. Did not leave till around 6:30PM so it was a long day for me.

Today I am typing my blog off my new Laptop. and from this day forward \i will be blogging from here. Unless I am travelling and don't have wi-fi.

Their was no blog this weekend. I was busy. Saturday I picked up my Laptop from Future shop. and in the Evening i went to an 80's theme stag and doe. I was going to dress up as Pacman with my friends going as the ghosts, But one person backed out and wasn't able to make it. So I we didn't dress up.

I had a good time, but drinks were 5.00 from the cash bar. So I only had 2 drinks.
I won Mad Men seasons 1&2 on DVD, so I thought that was cool.

Sunday I just relaxed and was finally able to play around with my Laptop. Also went to Walmart for some groceries. Had dinner then bussed it up to my friends mark place before we left to watch Side Effects.

Monday, as of 8PM I am just finishing this blog, going to eat my dinner. Its in the oven. Watch The Walking Dead from Sunday. Maybe some WWE RAW, and Play Sim City on my laptop.

Once I take what I need off my PC i will be selling it for parts.

No Picture today.

Have a good day!

Sunday 10 March 2013

Blog update.

It's been a busy weekend. I will blog Monday eve around 10:30 pm I hope. Recapping the weekend and Monday as well. Should be a better blog then the past few.

Until then.

Friday 8 March 2013

Friday the weekend begins!

Well Friday is now over. After work I went to Canadian Tire to look for some yellow Duck Tape. They didn't have any. Went to Dollar Rama and they had ONE YELLOW roll from everything they have.

Went to sears to return a pair of pants.

Went to value village and found done yellow fabric.

The yellow tape and fabric is for my Pac-man costume for a Stag N Doe Saturday Eve

Went to futurshop to pick up my laptop. I'm having them set everything up so I will be picking it up Saturday afternoon.

Told them to set the home page to bing. And they never heard of anyone to do that.

Good night.

Thursday 7 March 2013


Well what a week it has been. Thursday has been coming to an end and Friday is approaching.

I am hoping to pick up a new laptop tomorrow after work. I have a couple in my mind.

Still not 100% sure but will find out when I go to the store.

I can home to find out my PC is a piece of crap. luckily I was able to turn it on. Don't ask.

Friday if i find a laptop, I will be blogging from their.\

Have a good day

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Well Wednesday is almost over. Went to look at some laptops in the centre mall area.

I want to see what Fridays futureshop and bestbuy flyer will be.

Not saying much tonight. Tired I am.

This is the source sale

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Not much to report today.

Just that I found a free coffee tab when I went to grab my mail today. And my shirt came in. Random grab bag.

Monday 4 March 2013

Monday. What happened to Sunday?

Their was no blog Sunday, I didn't forget. Just didn't do one. Went for a walk Sunday. It was good. Wasn't to bad out. Read some comics. And watched some tv. Ordered Pizza for dinner. (It will last until Tuesday Dinner.

Walking dead was amazing. Best one this season I Would say.

Monday was alright, just watching WWE RAW. It's old school tonight. Opening segment was TAKER. Tonight their will be a fatal 4 match to determine an openent to face TAKER at WM.

Dishes are done from the weekend.
Just watching raw tonight.

Read #6 of the New X-Men it was good.

Saturday 2 March 2013


Well today was a relaxing day. Believe it or not. It was. Did a lot today as well.

Woke up at 8am and was showered and out the door by 8:40. Walked to Tim Hortons then up the stairs I went. It's been well over year since I've done them. But i want it to be a regular weekly basic for me. I am starting to walk to and from work again since my bus pass has expired at the end of last months.

The reason I walked the stairs today was to meet my friend at the top. We were talking my friend move. Took about 3 hours but we got what was needed.

The view at the top was great.

I'm going to walk and grab a sub for dinner. Then get ready for some friends coming over later.

I was also able to finally snap a picture of this squirrel I've been feeding. Thinking of a name for it.

I am also looking for a laptop.

Have a good weekend.

Friday 1 March 2013

Friday is here!

Well that's right. Today is Friday. Also a new month, March. Today was no comic book reading. I might read one tonight but I think I'm going to make Fridays my rest day. Not that I want to but because I choose to.

Fridays I don't usually bring a lunch to work. So I don't bring my bag.

Today I had mr. noodles for lunch. They were for another day but I didn't eat them.

Walked home from work today. Something I will be doing on a regular basics from now on since I am not using a bus pass. Winter is almost over so back to walking for me.

Stopped in at Kool Stuff Toys. Haven't been their for a while. Picked up a few small things.

So much tv to catch up on. Watching Accent Aliens from 3 weeks ago. I like tid show.

Had left overs for dinner.

Going to say. Have a good eve tonight. Helping my friend move tomorrow. Morning .

Thursday 28 February 2013


Well Thursday was alright.
Work was ok was out at 6 and home by 6:30. Took the bus.

Last day for taking the bus for me as I am not buying a bus pass for March. I will prob bus it in some the morning and walk home. Since the bus takes 8 mins to get downtown from my place and I can leave a half hour before I start.

When the weather gets nicer I will walk to work every day unless its raining

I know I will be using 2 tickets on Monday when I go play Pokemon after work. So Mondays i will be walking to work regardless.

Today's comic read was The New X-Men #3. It wasn't as good as the first two but it was a good read. Finished it while my dinner was cooking. (Hamburger Helper)
I will say I need to find out what was before this series. It might help explain some things.

Just watching Tv right now.
Enjoy your night

Wednesday 27 February 2013


Well I was going to blog earlier tonight. Once I came home. But then I made my dinner. And just been catching up on Criminal Minds from the past 2 weeks and watching tonight's as I am typing this.

I am looking for a laptop. Trying to find a cheap used on. But not a paper weight. Also one that is better then my PC. Which is coming up to 8 years I think. Maybe even longer.

Today I read #2 of the new Xmen.
I haven't read a comic this good in a while. Going to read #3 tomorrow.
I'm doing good with keeping up with my reading.

Saturday I am helping my friend move. hopefully the weather is good.

And the following week I have a friends Stag and Doe. On the Sunday following that is Toronto ComicCon. Not sure if I am going to go yet. ( it's the saturday and Sunday)

Anyways. Just watching tv tonight.

Also new show started Tuesday just watching it now .

Robot Combat League

Have a good eve.

Tuesday 26 February 2013


Well it's Tuesday the day is done and almost gone. Work was busy to the end today. Didn't even get our second break. So I was not able to read the comic I was hooping to. I read It while I waited for my dinner.

Chinese food from Cheung's Restaurant at 150 Parkdale Ave. N.
The flyer was in my mailbox.

I ordered 2 items so that I can have the other for lunch tomorrow. If its at work it at home. The weather tonight will tell us.

Takes 45 to an hour.

It was good. I am saving the other pack for lunch tomorrow like I said. Lots of rice left over. So I can eat that when I am hungry again.

Also picked up some new Star Wars Xwing models from work. I have 2 more to grab still.

Going to spend the eve reading the cards. Other then that TV.

Monday 25 February 2013

Monday - Play Pokemon

Well Monday is almost over. Just cooking a pizza in the oven for dinner.

I went into work early today so I was able to leave early to play Pokemon.

It was fun. Played about 8 games in the couple hours I was their.

I am going to read a comic every day. I have to catch up. I'm way behind in my reading.

Today I read Gambit #1
Good start for my favourite Mutant.

I need #2 so until I find that one (well my comic shop) it's on hold I have 3-8.
I am going to start All New X-Men. I have 1- 7

So that will be with me tomorrow and rest of this week.

Just watching Wwe raw for the rest of the night.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Sunday ends the week

Well it's Sunday eve. Walking dead was interesting. And Talking dead was good.

Today was an alright day.

In the morning I went down to the comic shop to pick up my comics. Haven't been their this month so I had a few to pick up.
Browsing the comics I found out that they came out with a new Gambit series.

I grabbed #1 through the newest #8 but they didn't have number 2 in stock. They are going to see if they can get it. If not I will find it.

My friend came over and he did my taxes for me. We were talking about Cogeco and I guess my neighbour next door herd us because he came over and asked of we were taking about a box. My friend bought his box right then. I may buy a laptop off of him. But will see on that.

After my friend left I did some grocery shopping then made my dinner.

The best sausages I've ever had.
I like the natural selection stuff. That's what I buy now.

I think they were the maple Leaf sausages. I am going to get another pack of them next time. They are good. Only Comes in 5 pack though. But it's worth it. Think it's like 5 bucks.

Also did a load of laundry.

I am going to bed now and the Oscars just Ended. I watched about 30 mins total.

Today picture.
I seen this at limeridge mall

Saturday 23 February 2013

Saturday is here.

Well I am sorry guys for not posting for a few days. I thought I just missed yesterday but I guess Thursday too. I'm sure I posted maybe it just didn't save?? Anyways I'm back.

Today I am blogging from my phone. Been lying in bed just watching YouTube vids and reading twitter for the last 45 mins.

Today I have a few things to grab from the library and I have my friends kids birthday party to goto later today.

Last night after I came come I just watched some tv. Caught up on some comedy shows I had on my PVR this week. Most from Thursday.

Sunday I am going to pick up my comics from the comic shop and put two Pokemon decks together.
Do some groceries probably from Walmart so I can price match and shop at the same time.

That's all for now.
Going to check to see if our work won anything on our lotto tickets and mine as well, later.